Why It’s Best To Eat Your Pizza Cold

Why It’s Best To Eat Your Pizza Cold

The pizza world is full of intense debates, such as debates on whether pineapples are an acceptable pizza topping and the choice between Chicago’s deep dish and New York’s thin crust. However, one of the major debates people are fast to take sides on is whether to take pizza hot or cold. By cold, we do not mean the 30 minutes late due to delayed delivery, but a next-day cold, straight from the fridge. People have different tastes; some will enjoy their pizza cold, straight from the fridge, while others will not dare taste it if it is not simmering hot. Thus, why does a cold pizza taste better to some people? The answer comes from food science, which explains how pizza flavors fuse over time. Refrigerating a pizza intensifies its umami-ness, gives the salt and fat punches more power, the crust becomes sweeter, and the sauce sharper. 

Pizzas, curries, and stew have similar properties; they can benefit from being in the refrigerator for a few hours because they contain garlic and other herbs. Eating a pizza straight from the oven tastes great; the spices have their distinct flavors, which are easy for the tongue to distinguish. However, to some people, the taste may be harsh and overwhelming. When you leave a pizza to sit in a fridge for some hours, the different flavors smooth out and blend into a single marvelous pizza flavor. 

The tomato sauce, which tops the crust, also plays a massive role in enhancing a cold pizza’s taste. The fibers in the pizza’s crust trap water molecules. The tomato paste offers a film of protection from the oil, forming the pizza top, explaining why pizzas are not a soggy mess even after hours in the refrigerator. The fat does not sieve to the base, and the pizza tastes better. Upon refrigeration, pizza lovers are left with a marinated pizza whose all flavors have blended into one unique pizza flavor.

The choice to either eat your pizza hot or cold is very personal; some pizza lovers will distaste a cold pizza, while others find it a delicacy. If a pizza is well stored in a shallow container or well-wrapped and stored at the right temperature, eating it cold should not cause any food contamination concerns even after a few days. Pizza is among such foods as stew and curry that benefit from spending time in the fridge; these foods enjoy a sweet-smelling property, which adds zest when refrigerated. The cheese topping does not sip to the bottom, making pizza taste much better after refrigeration. 

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